Fallout 76 stuck downloading pc

The Plants Kill! There are also four giant mantises hiding in the foliage. The door is permanently open and has a curtain of overgrown plants. Inside the vault are numerous mantises and spore carriers hidden in plant beds. Spore carriers blend in with the vegetation and will not show up as enemies on the compass until they are disturbed. On Level 5 - Pest Control, there are spore plants who spit spike projectiles. There are many password-free terminals throughout the vault which can be accessed to find some of Keely's notes and information on what became of the Vault's inhabitants.

Once inside one has the option to repair the elevator Repair 50 or walk the five levels by stairs. Since access to some staircases is blocked, repairing the elevator will make things easier.

With a Lockpick skill of 75 or higher, one can take the elevator directly to Level 5 - Pest Control and unlock the data bank room. Follow the signs through the common areas to the Overseer's office where one will find a terminal no password needed that can be used to unlock the crew quarters, the data banks, and the cave entrance.

The crew quarters can also be opened with a Lockpick skill of The keycard is in the first room on the left side of the hall as one enters the crew quarters, on a shelf to the right of the entrance. There are three spore carriers waiting inside. NOTE: there may be a glitch on the metal shelf where the keycard should be.

Items will be invisible and only the item identification will be shown upon scrolling over where the object should be. In this case the key card will be on the bottom shelf in the right corner next to a couple of purified waters. With the keycard, climb back up the stairs to Level 3 — Food Production the stairs to Level 5 are blocked and follow the arrows until one sees a door to the caves.

The keycard will access the adjacent terminal, where the lock can be disengaged. The vault door to Pest Control will be down towards the left in the cave.

Follow the arrow to the door. Once the player character is on Level 5, they can access the Data Room either by picking the lock or having disengaged it from the Overseer's office. At this point one can finish the quest by downloading the data and returning to Hildern, or, either with or without downloading the data, one can look for Keely this will provide opportunities for additional XP, caps, and either positive or negative Karma.

To find Keely one must locate one of two entrances to the cave where she is stranded. The shortest route is through a room with a hard lock Lockpick Open this room and there will be a cave entrance.

This is Atomic Radio! Play on Spotify. Back in the day, the system would freeze-frame the action rather than just slowing time to a crawl. Recently added 27 View all 1, Which one is most realistic to you and why? All that being said, there is one other thing to consider. Add Skin. This leaves Diamond City utterly trash-free, from the inside and out.

I don't know how that's possible when a team of abled modders collaborated on it, but then 7B was a collaborative effort too. Mortal Kombat mods? Fallout 4 So this new quest mod came out called Fusion City Rising and I want to try it, but it has outfits that require CBBE or else there will be messed up skin textures.

Page 1 of 2 - Adults Only: Which body skin texture mod is the most realistic to you? A good mod to accompany those in this list is Girly Animations.

However there is arguably one aspect of Fallout 4 that is pretty lack-luster and that is the apparel department. I prefer it this way - the default Fallout 4 setting means you don't have any time to scan the area and pick targets, because you'll probably be attacked while you're looking.

But it has a small bug, the text of the slider is too small. Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, experience the largest world ever created in Fallout.

I was wondering if anyone would create some outfits or presets for really any of the mkx-mk11 characters. As for random, there's a couple but they don't work the best and are not maintained.

Devious Devices. Mostly grey and green. Work together, or not, to survive. Readme License. It's a nice place for those who want to use Sanctuary as their home base, but don't want to get stuck in with the residents. The mechanic jumpsuit is an outfit in Fallout 4. Atomic Radio adds around five hours of new radio content, which is. Fusion Girl. This mod contains about fifty outfits, for the girls, with BodySlide files. Romance gives an added bonus beyond any of the Companion Perks conferred from the highest affinity in the form of the Perk Lover's Embrace.

This leaves Diamond City utterly trash-free, from the inside and out. Nanako Dojima is a character in Persona 4. Nope, is not working. Modern Firearms introduces a LOT of current real world weapons to the game, at this time mostly rifles. While some mods like those that need up to be updated after a Bethesda update have to be updated in order to get the game working, not all mods need to be Page 1 of 2 - Adults Only: Which body skin texture mod is the most realistic to you?

Fallout 4 So I've finally just recently got myself a decent gaming PC and am now fulfilling my long held wish of modding the absolute nuts off Fallout 4. You may Hey everyone. Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, experience the largest world ever created in Fallout. I've been using CBBE, as many people do, but while making my way through the various things available on the Nexus for the first time and discovering everything else that's available Fallout 4.

Work together, or not, to survive. A good mod to accompany those in this list is Girly Animations. You are given four options to choose from - the vault dweller, a regular joe from the Commonwealth, an average guy that wakes up after what happened in Vault and the standard one.

View all games. Search Amazon. To pass the locked door, you can:. If you're a woman and tell Slim you'd "give anything" to get the key, the lines of dialogue you get are messed up. What they do is, respectively: agree to his proposal, back up the dialogue, and leave dialogue.

If you should select the first by mistake you can console yourself with the fact that the script never calls the sex procedure, so technically speaking there's just a fade-out So much for security. Wend your way through the complex to the north picking up the boots and ammo from the lockers until you find a hole in the floor, and climb down.

You'll now find yourself fighting through three cavernous levels with pretty much rat in them. Several minor items are hidden on the ground including a Sledgehammer, there's a 10mm Pistol probably your first half-decent weapon on a trapper corpse and a Combat Knife in the rat nest, and you can find a Tool by a scattered robot corpse in one corner.

Near the southwest corner of the second lowermost level there's a caved-in section; move the mouse around above the big pile of bones and you'll find some 10mm JHP ammo. Take the Nuka-Cola from the ground and loot the fridge to the northeast, but most importantly walk over to the car and pick up the Fuel Cell Regulator , which is worth "invisible" xp. Near the car there's a working Nuka-Cola machine. Use a coin on it and you get a Nuka-Cola , and possibly hit for points of damage by the violently ejected bottle.

There are plenty of these machines in the game working and broken ones have different descriptions , and you can get bottles from each before they run out of stock. However, Nuka-Cola is an ingredient for making Super Stimpaks later on, so you may want to keep this in mind, though chances are you'll have plenty more than you'll ever need anyway. Strangely enough, these machines replenish their stock every weeks. If you can't find the 10mm Pistol it's probably because you left the rat caves in order to rest up, during which time the corpse disappeared leaving the gun obscured by the remaining pool of blood.

While bodies decay in mere hours if you leave a map and return, blood is quite persistent and can literally remain for years. The specifics of blood decay are not known to me, but it appears to depend on time as well as the number of times the map has been entered. On the floor of the first level of tunnels there are Rocks. Rocks, man, Rocks! Here is the Rock challenge: how many Rocks can one gather through the course of a game, without resorting to recurring random encounters?

I'll keep you up to date on the Rock situation Go to the southeastern exit grid into a wooded area full of geckos. Make your way down to the shack to the southwest, grab one of the Firewood heaps and use it on the still for xp.

When you return to Bob, he'll give you your agreed-upon monetary reward. Because the golden geckos can be a definite pain and because of the issue of pelts, you may not want to do this until you've got both Sulik and the Gecko Skinning perk see below.

You must do this before you collect your reward from Bob, so you have to choose your allegiance. You can ask Sajag to tell you about his booze connections in the Den , but it doesn't do anything once you get there. This is one of the few timed quests in the game. Like the man says, you need to refuel the still within a day or you don't get any xp from doing so, but you can go to Sajag after Bob gives you the what for.

Whiskey Bob won't talk to you if your town reputation is Neutral and your karma is -3 or worse. To remedy this all you have to do is nudge your town reputation in either direction, which should be easy enough buying a round of drinks will do it. This is the result of a bug: he was supposed to snub you off if you have a negative town reputation, but instead the script checks the global variable with the same identifier as the current Klamath town reputation. Here you may run into your first golden geckos, who radiate you when they hit you.

I would suggest you don't use any RadAway before leaving Klamath and the Toxic Caves altogether, since we're not talking high levels of radiation. See the end of the Character Design section for more detailed info on radiation. Under most circumstances you should be perfectly safe not taking any RadAway before you get to the doctor in Vault City or ever, barring some extreme happening such as ending up in the Toxic waste dump repeatedly. She'll put the Toxic Caves on the world map for you and ask you to find Smiley.

If he says you already know more about hunting than he does, persist and you'll get the bonus anyway. If you have Gecko Skinning, every gecko you kill except the fire variety will have a pelt in it which you can grab and sell.

Should Smiley perish then Ardin won't talk to you any more if you tell her. You can get double xp for this quest if you get the location of the caves from Mrs Buckner but say you can't help her.

Then go and rescue Smiley. When you return to Klamath Ardin will still be talking about him, so you can accept the quest, go to the caves and rescue Smiley again, then go back to Klamath for your reward.

There will be two Smileys in Klamath, each of which will give you training. For this to work, you cannot enter the Toxic Caves in between saving the first Smiley and reactivating the quest, not even by saving and loading the game. Also you may want to avoid talking to the first Smiley directly after getting the quest, since he will then start following you around Klamath thinking you're in the caves. Sebastian Cassten adds: "You can actually gain xp for recruiting Sulik.

First do one of Ardin's quests and ask either for no reward or for Sulik's freedom so that you get xp. Now before going to Maida, talk to Sulik. You will notice that he isn't free yet 'cause you haven't talked to Maida. You can now if you want to pay the bucks for an additional xp reward. If you agree to search for Torr before you get the quest to find Smiley, you must resolve quest 6 before you can get this one.

Torr who's not so smart wants help guarding his herd of cattle from "bugmen" who come at night. Don't talk to him until you're ready, because he'll only ask you once but see quest 4 for an additional way of getting this quest. Agree to help and you're teleported to a wooded area where the brahmin are to be found. A radscorpion appears, which you should be able to take out easily.

Is this the truth behind Torr's insectoid bugmen, I wonder? Nearby there are several more, if you kill every one of them you'll have completed this quest for xp, but if you want to switch to quest 4 instead, don't kill them for now. There's another, less obvious way of finishing this quest. Two shady figures are standing to the west of Torr's camp, namely the Dunton brothers.

Approach them and they'll ask you for help stealing the cattle this will activate quest 4. Agree to do so, but then tell the Duntons to call off the plan Speech check needed , after which they run off.

Optionally kill the scorpions for combat xp. In a shack to the southwest you can find a pair of Radscorpion Limbs, which have been used by the Duntons to masquerade as bugmen to get at Torr's cattle. Sadly there's no way to confront them about this a snippet of such dialogue exists, but is unused , so the Limbs are worthless. Beware that once you leave this map you can't get back to it, so don't leave anything here and bring all the scorp tails you can carry.

Sebastian Cassten notes that after you scare off the Duntons you can tell Torr to run away as well see quest 4. This will let you get quest 6, which is really supposed to happen only if you finish quest 4 instead. It also has the aesthetic effect of crossing out both brahmin quests in the Pipboy, although you never get the reward for quest 4.

It's possible to get xp for this quest twice. After you scare off the Duntons you can go to Torr and tell him you'll help guard the brahmin, which will reactivate the quest. Now kill the scorpions and leave and you'll get another xp. This way you won't get quest 6, though.

Sebastian Cassten has also discovered that you can pull off both the above tricks by relying on a combination of script imperfections. Convince the Duntons to run off, then kill the scorpions. Talk to Torr, but instead of using the mouse to navigate through dialogue, keep it still.

Press 2 and 1 to trick him. When dialogue ends, immediately click to talk to him again, and select option 1 this time. Now your goal is to run to the exit grid in combat mode; do this by using all but one of your AP each time, ending combat manually and hitting A a lot. You will be successful if you get there before Torr manages to disappear which will be signalled by a fade-out.

Killing a cow or turning Torr hostile will make this quest fail. Might as well clean out the scorpions afterwards, though you don't get any quest xp for doing so. This would have been a better idea than quest 3 considering quest 6 below, but since you can get that anyway this is mostly for nasty characters. You can also get this quest by talking to the Duntons in town instead of Torr, providing you didn't go and get yourself a good town reputation.

You only get one chance for each brother to ask for work, and once you ask, if you turn one of them down you don't get a proper chance with the other see bug note below. Don't address them by name, since it may abort the work thread which twin you're talking to is decided randomly each time. When you arrive at the pastures, you can talk to Torr and promise to help him guard the brahmin to activate quest 3, and then choose which one to complete as usual.

Remember that once you tell Torr to take a hike, you can't finish quest 3 by killing the scorpions, and that if you kill the scorpions the Duntons will leave even if you didn't collect their reward yet. If you leave the pastures without completing either quest 3 or 4, you don't get quest 6 or any xp, so that just plain sucks. If your Charisma is 10 when you enter Klamath for the first time, your town reputation will rise to the point where the Duntons won't offer you the rustling job.

Arm-wrestling them once before asking will take care of this. Killing Torr or any of the brahmin will set the quest to failed and cause the Duntons to run off. If you told Torr to run away and then attack the brahmin, you'll see a float over the invisible Torr after combat ends. This won't turn him hostile, though. From WraithUV: "Saving and then loading the game after you've scared off Torr causes the Duntons to no longer speak to you.

This makes both quests impossible to complete. As found by Kwiatmen and figured out by Killap, completing this quest spawns a few new brahmin in the pen back of the Duntons' house which use Arroyo brahmin scripts. Attacking these will spell the end of your game. If you talk to one Dunton about work in town and turn him down, then talk to the other and insist on helping them, the dialogue will proceed as if you were on the pastures map.

You can agree to handle Torr; this won't take you to the pastures, though you can still get there by talking to Torr as usual. Or you can have a shot at spooking them, giving you the normal xp for that they won't actually run anywhere , after which you can go with Torr if you want, finding the pastures empty except for brahmin and scorpions.

Another bug found by Ryan P. Fialcowitz: "If you talk to the Duntons about work in Klamath prior to talking to Torr, Torr will disappear if you leave the map and come back.

Slim in Trapper Town will tell you about this. You'll know Keeng Ra'at when you see him on the second level of the rat maze. Perhaps Sulik should be with you for this? You get quest xp for killing the royal rodent. Once you kill the rat you can't talk to Slim for training if you didn't already. If you told Torr to leave his brahmin earlier, now's the time to make up for it!

Go to Ardin Buckner and it turns out Torr is missing because he went to look for the brahmin. Finger the Duntons and offer to help you only get one chance. Then go to the canyon area to the northwest. Torr is standing about near a mad robot. Kill the bot using hit and run tactics, scout the area intriguing!

If you run off the map after the robot attacks, it won't be hostile when you return. You can then use Repair to fix its broken motivator. There is no use for the Yellow Reactor Keycard in this game, despite numerous allegations, rumours and misunderstandings. It may be the seed of a quest which was not fully implemented, or perhaps it was simply meant to be a Yellow Pass Key, reflecting the Poseidon Oil connection.

Interestingly, the card is not there in the unpatched game. True to their name, these tunnels contain green ooze which will hurt you if you step on it. To be safe from harm, you and each party member must be carrying a pair of Rubber Boots in your inventory. However, for the heck of it you may want to do a little voluntary goo stepping. If you step on the goo repeatedly without protection, you'll soon get a message that your feet begin to itch. Eventually after 15 steps to be precise it'll say: "Your feet burn and itch for a while, but then they feel better.

And yes, this is the only way to get the toes I searched the scripts. If you came here in the car, it'll be on the edge of the screen and you can't access the trunk while you're here. Power Armor protects against the goo as if you're wearing boots. Hardened and Advanced Power Armor do not so you get the toes if you didn't already , but they nullify the damage.

The boots have no effect on bad goo in other areas than this one. Kill as many geckos as you need to in order to get past, and make sure to raid the locker for boots and stuff. Go down the ladder and make your way to the northeast avoid the middle tunnel, it has the most geckos.

There you'll find an elevator, a broken generator, and a trapper. If this is your first visit you probably won't be able to do much about the first two, so talk to the third after raiding the locker on the wall, a container type which is easily overlooked.

Once you bring him to the cave mouth, he'll make it on his own and you earn xp. Then after you've been to Klamath and got the Gecko Skinning perk you can return here and take out any remaining geckos. Smiley will join you fighting the geckos even before you talk to him if you're right outside where he's standing.

He's not overly effective, though. Next you'll have to use an Electronic Lockpick on the elevator door, or it won't open. Go down, kill the rocketbot, then loot, loot and loot to your heart's content: good ammo, a Bozar and a Combat Armor Mark II among other things. Though the first time I got down here, I was disappointed the place was so small. I'd expected a full-blown base. This is the only time in the game you need any kind of lockpick item unless your Lockpick skills are horrendously bad.

You'll want to kill the robot before it can take too many shots at you, which is where this little trick comes in handy. If you press and hold the A key as the game is loading a new area such as when you get a random encounter on the world map , you'll enter combat mode and get the first turn before any monsters can react.

Kind of a half-cheat which takes advantage of the game engine. Another time you may want to use this is in dialogues where you say things like "Eat grapeshot and die, scumbag". The other party always gets to initiate combat - that is, unless you hold the A key as you leave dialogue.

In this particular case you can also use the trick to run past the robot before it can react; if you get to the doorway you'll be safe, even if there are NPCs in the robot's line of sight. If you ever wanted to have your very own Robo Rocket Launcher, you can. What you must do is kill the robot with a critical hit to the head that does no damage try using Flares, or maybe punching; Better Criticals is a must.

Because of a bug this means you get no combat xp, but neither does the bot purge its inventory of special items you aren't really supposed to get your hands on. Next you must knock an NPC unconscious on the same hex occupied by the rocketbot make sure it's not Vic, Myron or Goris, since they will freak out if looted while unconscious - assuming you care, that is , access their inventory, and finally click an arrow to select the robot.

You should now be looking at two purple boxes representing one Robo Rocket Launcher and up to 18 rounds of Robo Rocket Ammo which are equivalent to Explosive Rockets.

This weapon has a very modest ST requirement and takes only half as many AP to fire as a normal Rocket Launcher, but it doesn't do nearly as much damage. The Den isn't that much larger than Klamath actually, in terms of game maps, it's smaller , but somewhat closer to the harsh realities of wasteland politics or the lack of it.

The Den is divided into two areas, eastern and western. Both are full of foggy chem reliants, who may sometimes attack you unprovoked.

If you hurt them somewhat they run away so you don't have to kill them, or you can probably run away yourself and then end combat. Actually you can kill them with no karma drop or other consequences, but don't make a habit of it. You can access the unimplemented Den area by pressing 3 when choosing your destination on the town map. You can whack Anna's double, get a Shovel from Smitty's evil twin's shack, and in case you're wondering, if you kill everyone here no one in the "real" Den will care.

The two kids outside Ananias' house are the only exceptions. Running past them won't help as their steal action is instantaneous, even if you see them working their steal animation on the screen only after you're already safely past and if you fail a PE check you don't even see the animation. You might be able to Sneak past them, or another trick is to enter combat mode, go past them and end combat.

Thankfully they don't steal from your party members. If you don't want to bother with entering combat mode, simply walk up to the kids you need to pass, let them try to steal, then use your own Steal skill on them one at a time to see if they got anything. If they did, use Steal on them repeatedly to get it back; they won't run off to sell the item until you move away, and if they catch you, nothing happens.

You'll then be safe from these specific thieves for minutes usually enough time to be in and out of the building. If you don't get an item back, the kid will run to the nearest shopkeeper and fence it those outside Becky's will cross the street to Tubby , in which case you'll have to trade for it if you want it back.

If the shopkeeper a specific kid would fence their stolen goods to is killed, the kid will just stand there accumulating items until you leave the map, whereupon their loot disappears. It can get a little bizarre, looking at their inventory.

A kid who can carry a couple of Bozars should be able to make a living doing something else, no? If you kill the owner of an establishment, leave the map and return, the kid or kids outside that place will be gone. So if you kill Tubby but not Rebecca, the orphans outside the casino will remain but won't have any outlet for their acquisitions.

Every time you try to steal something and fail, people turn hostile and attack, right? So how come you don't get to flip out and kill people when someone fails a steal attempt on you? Oh well If you kill one of the kids no one will react directly except for the other orphans, but being a Childkiller is very bad. Alternatively, you could attack a kid with a Plant Spike or something and then let your party members do the actual killing, in which case you won't become a Childkiller.

A more fun and expensive way is to carry only a bundle of lit Dynamite and stroll innocently past the kids, hoping they'll take it off your hands removing your armour helps. If they have time to sell it off, however, it will explode harmlessly in the shopkeeper's offscreen inventory. Zelda games are known for their music, but Epona's Song is still stuck in my head after all these years. Fortunately, Ubisoft has acknowledged the issue where The Division 2 players are stuck on the loading screen and said that it is currently under investigation.

According to the official RDR2 1. The system has two variations, the Xbox One S and the X. In that case, try to repair the disk. Sign up now to get insider updates on new features, games and special offers from Daybreak Games. At 2 of them i watch the video and then i stuck at the black screen that it follows,at the other half i am stuck at the loading screen of the map. Not open for further replies. July 5, , a. It was the process that Hit unlock all upgrades and then hit exit.

You don't have the … The highly-anticipated sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild nabs third place with Bayonetta 3 still holding a decent position at fourth place. If you wish to move to any location on the map, you can just input the command xy X, Y with " X " and " Y " being the exact coordinates you want to travel to.

We went to the Great and Sacred Temple of Plot Dump and then she locked us in, ran, yadda yadda yadda, you know. Answer: Here is what to do if you are stuck on the "Loading Story Mode" screen. The board-game nature of the combat itself is actually quite engaging and fun. It seems that Install is broken, may just be startup, hard to tell. We've got exactly what you need to do to make sure you unstick yourself and get back into Apex Legends.

Any mistake will result in instant death and a respawn at the beginning of the level. Doing lots of side quests also gives easy empathy points. Run Scan and Repair on Fallout 76 in the Bethesda.

Being Positive and Directing your Energy. STEP 3. Select the game you want to edit and press the menu button on your controller. Now you can sell your towers as many times as you like. Select the Time and Language option.

As most games in the genre, GreedFall begins with a character creation screen. Fix 4: Update your network driver. Dauntless is one of the most popular and well done clones of the Monster Hunter series. After installing Xp i started to play games but my games stop after few seconds and windows won't respond i can't even move my mouse, then i restart my Computer and in the loading screen it stuck again and the windows Xp won't start.

Eastern Standard discourses were shuffling into formation. The cause was that my browser could not access social media websites like Pinterest and Facebook. So if you disconnect all external USB devices and still experience out of control start menu scrolling, you'll have to reboot. For anyone using that version of Windows and also experiencing crashes, we have a fix for you!

Choose a different tab or window and open it. The game plays in an isometric style and combat is slated in real time, though the player can pause the game at any time to strategize and The Technomancer is a game that has a lot of heart, but just fails to execute its ambition in the proper ways. Obviously you'll have a better experience on Rift than on Quest, but it's not awful either way Naturally installed Halo MCC and playing through the first Halo.



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