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Pedro Pascal has a Burt Reynolds vibe to him and it comes over affectionately and amusingly. One has to credit Julianne Moore as an understated but played with relish villain and Jeff Bridges once again showing how fine an actor he is. Was pleasantly surprised by Elton John, appreciate him as a singer and his importance in rock 'n' roll but was admittedly expecting him to be a mugging disaster but he sends himself up to scene-stealing entertaining effect.
In conclusion, a fun if inferior sequel where one can see why it has garnered fairly mixed reviews but still better than given credit for. Unfortunately I got to see this second film of The Kingsman before seeing the first one. I'm guessing that I would have gotten a lot more had I seen them in proper order.
This certainly is not a stand alone film by any means. Our hero protagonist of the first film Taron Edgerton is on a date with a princess no less than Kingsman headquarters is hit and almost completely wiped out. The perpetrator of this evil deed is Julianne Moore who is the main reason to see this film.
She is having the greatest time in her life playing the psychotic villain who has control of the world wide narcotics trade. Right now she's blackmailing the world having developed a chemical concoction that makes drug users get sick and die in stages. She's even blackmailing the president of the USA who is a Trump like lizard of a human being.
No worry Edgerton has gone to America where there is a sister organization and he and Colin Firth who has lost his memory, but who regains it after some shock treatment. Jeff Bridges runs the show and Channing Tatum is one of his top guys. Watching The Golden Circle is a real blast. Nice special effects, a plot not to take seriously and Julianne Moore who among other things has kidnapped Elton John for her own amusement.
Is there no end to her evil? This feels very much like an adult version of a SPY KIDS movie, complete with robo-dogs, electric whips and a blatant disregard for the reality of physics and the like. Taron Egerton returns as chav hero Eggsy, this time around battling a new mega-villain played by the gurning, incredibly OTT Julianne Moore.
A new supporting cast help out, but generally this isn't an actor's film at all, despite Colin Firth giving a surprisingly sensitive performance. The actors who stand out are Firth, Pascal and Strong, with nobody else doing much.
The plot is all over the place and completely ridiculous, while the action is too effects-orientated to do much. However, there are some fun moments and character interplay, and the roving action choreography continues to impress. Percorrete Via Wolf Ferrari e dopo mt. Dopo mt. Per ulteriori informazioni 22 68 — 63 Vi aspettiamo! To use torrent file download uTorrent or BitTorrent.