Nagasarete airantou manga free download

Manga Info. Sign Up. Nagasarete Airantou. Login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress, and rate series! Ikuto Touhohin just had a last fight with his old man, one that led him to make a rash decision to run away from home. He boards a ship, deciding to take a vacation, but the ship is suddenly hit by a huge storm--one that sends Ikuto overboard!

When he regains consciousness, he realizes he is still alive… on some island. An isolated island. An isolated island with nothing but girls and talking animals.

Stranded on an island with only girls, no electricity, gas, radio, television… like he was back in the stone age. Average: 8. Image [ Report Inappropriate Content ].

Log in to vote! Show all some hidden. Ai Kora Midori no Hibi M ore Love Hina. Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai. Yanki-kun to Megane-chan. Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. Trinity Seven - 7-Nin no Masho Tsukai. Highschool of the Dead. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two. Watashitachi no Tamura-kun. Kami-sama Hajimemashita. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. Square Enix. On reading lists On wish lists On unfinished lists On custom lists.

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Question about story progress Who is the Hottest Girl in the Manga? Nagaraste Airantou. Release Schedule. User Comments [ Order by usefulness ].

You must login to comment for this series! Register an account. Rating: Could you use the new manga buzz word '"Thirsty", more? They only used it 5 or 6 times in chapter Like "Vigin Killer", 6 months ago, I'm sure everyone would like to see it used at least 10 more times a chapter. Was this comment useful?

Yes No. Peaceful, happy adventure with a bit of fan service. Rating: 8. It's an easy going, simple comedy series. At a pace of a volume per year or half year, it's fine. Nothing really new here but a good combination of story, graphical and character design.

Don't expect dramatic stories, strong emotional development, depression or serious plot here Even the fan service scenes are mostly rather 'reserved' Last updated on February 8th, , pm. Slow in pace, but entertaning. This manga is pretty slow as far as developments go, but each chapter never really fails to be entertaining. It starts out pretty much like you'd expect, all the women chasing after him, but over time it develops more into a slice of life type story where you learn more about each of the characters and the island they're all stuck on.

This manga is pretty much the furthest thing away from being a serious romance I can think of, but it's a pretty strong contender for the moe blob front line. There are quite a few scenes that make you go "Dawww" and there is quite a bit of action in the manga as well. As the series goes on, the pairings for the characters seems like they're becoming more and more concrete which is a real shame since all the girls are awesome in their own way. Zoom model:Original.

Zoom modelpx. Zoom model:window width. Zoom model:window height. Nagasarete Airantou- Denis Estuardo Teletor Garcia.

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